Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Setting up AME (Approval Management) in R12

I am working with a customer for upgrading there HCM to R12 from 11.5.10 . R12 include lot of technology changes and one of them includes AME. Newer version of AME, AME.B is also available in latest 11i releases.
AME.A was built in mod PL/SQL and AME.B is developed in OA Framework. Another major change in AME is that it uses RBAC (Role Based Access Control) mechanism to assign responsibilities to a user.

So if you open AME Approvals function with old responsibilities you might get one of the following errors.

The requested URL /pls/VIS/OracleSSWA.Execute was not found on this server.
Can not access function AME_WEB_APPROVALS. This installation does not manage mode pl/sql. Please contact your System Administrator.

Both the errors saying that mod PL/SQL is not available (OracleSSWA is a program that executes the PL/SQL Package to generate the html output for pages).

Following are the steps to implement AME in R12 instance.
1. Login with SYSADMIN User.
2. Go to User Management Responsibility.
3. Click on Users and query for the username to which you want to assign AME Responsibilities.
4. One you query the User, Update the User from search results region and then click on Assign Roles.
5. Assign following Roles to the User
a) Approval Management Administrator
b) Approval Management System Administrator
c) Approval Management Process Owner
d) Approval Management System Viewer
e) Approval Management Business Analyst

Once finished with the Roles we will grant a permission set to the user from Functional Administrator Responsibility. Following are the steps for that

6. Go to Functional Administrator Responsibility => Security => Grants => Create Grant.
7. Enter Name of the "Grant" and effective start date. In Security Context select Grantee Type as Specific User and enter the User name whom you want to assign AME Responsibilities (Same user to which we assigned AME Roles).
8. Select Object as AME Transaction Types and Press Next.
9. Select Data Context as All Rows and assign "AME Calling Applications" permission set and Save the Information.

We need to set the AME: Installed Profile option as well to make it work. Set this profile option to Yes at application level (Human Resources).

Try to login with the user and you can see the following responsibilities listed there
Approvals Management Administrator
Approvals Management Business Analyst

What should existing AME Users do to make it work ?
It is pretty easy. Oracle provides a concurrent program "Approvals Management Post Upgrade Process". Run this program and thats all.

Drop a comment if you have any question regarding the above article. Hope this will help.



Ahmad Bilal said...

Good Article,

i am not able to find my user name in User Management responsibility (user Form).

Can i have your email address ?

Gaurav Sehgal said...

Hi Ahmad
Login with SYSADMIN user and try to search the your user name.
You can email at

Nitin Singh said...

It was nicely explained. IT worked for me gaurav thanks

Nitin Singh

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Gourav,

being in which Responsbility we need to run the follwing request
"Approvals Management Post Upgrade Process".

Ahmad Bilal said...

Approvals Management Post Upgrade Process CAN BE RUN FROM System Administrator Responsibility

Gaurav Sehgal said...

Ahmad is absolutely right. You can also use the following query to find the responsibilities for a concurrent program from which you can run the process.

SELECT resp_tl.responsibility_name rp,
rg.request_group_name rg,
fcp_tl.user_concurrent_program_name conc
FROM fnd_request_group_units rgu,
fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcp_tl,
fnd_request_groups rg,
fnd_responsibility resp,
fnd_responsibility_tl resp_tl
WHERE rgu.request_unit_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND fcp_tl.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND rg.request_group_id = rgu.request_group_id
AND resp.request_group_id = rg.request_group_id
AND resp.responsibility_id = resp_tl.responsibility_id
AND Upper(fcp_tl.user_concurrent_program_name) LIKE Upper('%Approvals%Management%Post%Upgrade%Process%')
AND Upper(resp_tl.responsibility_name) LIKE Upper('%%');


richard vlietman said...

Brilliant excelelnt document - worked first time Thank you

subra said...


Thanks for the document. It's a very precise document to setup AME

keep it up


Unknown said...

i did all steps but i get same error, what could it be happening?

Unknown said...

I am not geeting the Roles in LOV while assigning the same to user through Assign Role in User Management.

Pl. help.

Thank you,

Unknown said...

Very nice post..Please post more setup with screen shots..

Anonymous said...

Excellent.. It helps

Sunil Singh Sikarwar said...
